now with 4000+ regions
Ancestry Reports

50+ reports
  • Ancestry Composition
  • Ancestry Detail Reports (48 reports)
  • Family Tree
  • Maternal Haplogroup
  • Paternal Haplogroup
  • Neanderthal Ancestry
See sample report - AncestrySee sample report - Ancestry

Trait Reports

30+ traits
  • Ability to Match Musical Pitch
  • Asparagus Odor Detection
  • Back Hair (available for men only)
  • Bald Spot (available for men only)
  • Bitter Taste
  • Bunions
  • Cheek Dimples
  • Cilantro Taste Aversion
  • Cleft Chin
  • Dandruff
  • Earlobe Type
  • Early Hair Loss (available for men only)
  • Earwax Type
  • Eye Color
  • Fear of Heights
  • Fear of Public Speaking
  • Finger Length Ratio
  • Flat Feet
  • Freckles
  • Hair Photobleaching (hair lightening from the sun)
  • Hair Texture
  • Hair Thickness
  • Ice Cream Flavor Preference
  • Light or Dark Hair
  • Misophonia (hatred of the sound of chewing)
  • Mosquito Bite Frequency
  • Motion Sickness
  • Newborn Hair
  • Photic Sneeze Reflex
  • Red Hair
  • Skin Pigmentation
  • Stretch Marks
  • Sweet vs. Salty
  • Toe Length Ratio
  • Unibrow
  • Wake-Up Time
  • Widow's Peak
See sample report - TraitsSee sample report - Traits

Health Predisposition Reports*

10+ reports
  • Type 2 Diabetes (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a disorder of blood sugar regulation
    1,000+ variants in many genes; variants found in many ethnicities
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration
    Genetic risk for a form of adult-onset vision loss
    2 variants in the ARMS2 and CFH genes; relevant for European descent
  • Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
    Genetic risk for lung and liver disease
    2 variants in the SERPINA1 gene; relevant for European descent
  • BRCA1/BRCA2 (Selected Variants)
    Genetic risk based on a limited set of variants for breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer
    44 variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes; most relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent; does not include the majority of BRCA1/2 variants found in people of other ethnicities
  • Celiac Disease
    Genetic risk for gluten-related autoimmune disorder
    2 variants in the HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DQA1 genes; relevant for European descent
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (APOL1-Related)
    Genetic risk for a form of chronic kidney disease
    2 variants in the APOL1 gene; relevant for African descent
  • Familial Hypercholesterolemia
    Genetic risk for very high cholesterol, which can increase the risk for heart disease
    24 variants in the LDLR and APOB genes; relevant for European, Lebanese, Old Order Amish descent
  • G6PD Deficiency
    Genetic risk for a form of anemia
    2 variants in the G6PD gene; relevant for African, Southern European, Kurdish Jewish, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, South Asian descent
  • Hereditary Amyloidosis (TTR-Related)
    Genetic risk for a form of nerve and heart damage
    3 variants in the TTR gene; relevant for African American, West African, Portuguese, Brazilian, Northern Swedish, Japanese, Irish, British descent
  • Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HFE‑Related)
    Genetic risk for iron overload
    2 variants in the HFE gene; relevant for European descent
  • Hereditary Thrombophilia
    Genetic risk for harmful blood clots
    2 variants in the F2 and F5 genes; relevant for European descent
  • Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease
    Genetic risk for a form of dementia
    1 variant in the APOE gene; variant found and studied in many ethnicities
  • MUTYH-Associated Polyposis
    Genetic risk for a specific colorectal cancer syndrome
    2 variants in the MUTYH gene; relevant for Northern European descent
  • Parkinson's Disease
    Genetic risk for a form of movement impairment
    2 variants in the LRRK2 and GBA genes; relevant for European, Ashkenazi Jewish, North African Berber descent
See sample report - Health PredispositionSee sample report - Health Predisposition

Wellness Reports

5+ reports
  • Alcohol Flush Reaction
  • Caffeine Consumption
  • Deep Sleep
  • Genetic Weight
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Muscle Composition
  • Saturated Fat and Weight
  • Sleep Movement
See sample report - WellnessSee sample report - Wellness

Carrier Status Reports*

45+ reports
    1 variant in the SACS gene; relevant for French Canadian descent
  • Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum with Peripheral Neuropathy
    1 variant in the SLC12A6 gene; relevant for French Canadian descent
  • Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
    3 variants in the PKHD1 gene
  • Beta Thalassemia and Related Hemoglobinopathies
    10 variants in the HBB gene; relevant for Sardinian, Cypriot, Italian/Sicilian, Greek descent
  • Bloom Syndrome
    1 variant in the BLM gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Canavan Disease
    3 variants in the ASPA gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type 1a (PMM2-CDG)
    2 variants in the PMM2 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish, Danish descent
  • Cystic Fibrosis
    29 variants in the CFTR gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish, European, Hispanic/Latino descent
  • D-Bifunctional Protein Deficiency
    2 variants in the HSD17B4 gene
  • Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency
    1 variant in the DLD gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Familial Dysautonomia
    1 variant in the ELP1 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Familial Hyperinsulinism (ABCC8-Related)
    3 variants in the ABCC8 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Familial Mediterranean Fever
    7 variants in the MEFV gene; relevant for Arab, Armenian, Sephardic Jewish, Turkish descent
  • Fanconi Anemia Group C
    3 variants in the FANCC gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • GRACILE Syndrome
    1 variant in the BCS1L gene; relevant for Finnish descent
  • Gaucher Disease Type 1
    3 variants in the GBA (also known as GBA1) gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia
    1 variant in the G6PC gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ib
    2 variants in the SLC37A4 gene
  • Hereditary Fructose Intolerance
    4 variants in the ALDOB gene; relevant for European descent
  • Leigh Syndrome, French Canadian Type
    1 variant in the LRPPRC gene; relevant for French Canadian descent
  • Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2D
    1 variant in the SGCA gene
  • Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2E
    1 variant in the SGCB gene; relevant for Amish descent
  • Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I
    1 variant in the FKRP gene
  • MCAD Deficiency
    4 variants in the ACADM gene; relevant for European descent
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease Type 1B
    2 variants in the BCKDHB gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Mucolipidosis Type IV
    1 variant in the MCOLN1 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN5-Related)
    1 variant in the CLN5 gene; relevant for Finnish descent
  • Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (PPT1-Related)
    3 variants in the PPT1 gene; relevant for Finnish descent
  • Niemann-Pick Disease Type A
    3 variants in the SMPD1 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome
    1 variant in the NBN gene
  • Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness, DFNB1 (GJB2-Related)
    8 variants in the GJB2 gene; relevant for many ethnicities, including Ashkenazi Jewish, East/Southeast Asian, European, and Ghanaian descent. May also be relevant for Hispanic/Latino, Northern African/Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent
  • Pendred Syndrome and DFNB4 Hearing Loss (SLC26A4-Related)
    6 variants in the SLC26A4 gene
  • Phenylketonuria and Related Disorders
    23 variants in the PAH gene; relevant for Irish, Northern European descent
  • Pompe Disease
    5 variants in the GAA gene; relevant for African/African American descent; variants also common in European descent
  • Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 2
    1 variant in the GRHPR gene
  • Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
    1 variant in the PKLR gene
  • Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1
    1 variant in the PEX7 gene
  • Salla Disease
    1 variant in the SLC17A5 gene; relevant for Finnish, Swedish descent
  • Severe Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa (LAMB3-Related)
    3 variants in the LAMB3 gene
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
    1 variant in the HBB gene; relevant for African, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Central and South American descent
  • Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome
    1 variant in the ALDH3A2 gene; relevant for Swedish descent
  • Tay-Sachs Disease
    4 variants in the HEXA gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish, Cajun descent
  • Tyrosinemia Type I
    4 variants in the FAH gene; relevant for French Canadian, Finnish descent
  • Usher Syndrome Type 1F
    1 variant in the PCDH15 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Usher Syndrome Type 3A
    1 variant in the CLRN1 gene; relevant for Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Zellweger Spectrum Disorder (PEX1-Related)
    1 variant in the PEX1 gene
See sample report - Carrier StatusSee sample report - Carrier Status

Pharmacogenetics Reports**

  • CYP2C19 Drug Metabolism*
    DNA variants that influence how the body processes certain medications for depression, acid reflux, heart disease and other conditions
  • DPYD Drug Metabolism*
    DNA variants that influence how the body processes certain cancer medications
  • SLCO1B1 Drug Transport*
    A DNA variant that influences how the body processes certain cholesterol-lowering medications

Health Predisposition Reports*

  • Hereditary Prostate Cancer (HOXB13-Related)
    A DNA variant that increases risk for prostate cancer
    1 variant in the HOXB13 gene; relevant for European (especially Northern European) descent
  • Anxiety (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing anxiety that interferes with daily life
  • Asthma (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a chronic lung condition characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing
  • Atrial Fibrillation (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a type of irregular heartbeat
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of having ADHD, which can be associated with differences in attention, memory, and managing thoughts or behaviors
  • Bipolar Disorder (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of experiencing unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity, behavior, and sleep, beyond the normal ups and downs of life
  • Breast Cancer (available for females only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing breast cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing cancer of the colon or rectum
  • Coronary Artery Disease (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a type of heart disease
  • Depression (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing persistent low mood, loss of interest, and other symptoms that interfere with daily life
  • Diverticulitis (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a condition that occurs when small pouches in the digestive tract become inflamed
  • Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a skin condition characterized by dry, discolored, and itchy skin
  • Fibromyalgia (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a condition characterized by chronic pain and tenderness throughout the body
  • Gallstones (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing solid, pebble-like masses that form in the gallbladder
  • Gestational Diabetes (available for females only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  • Glaucoma (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing an eye condition that can cause partial vision loss and blindness
  • Gout (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a condition where one or more joints suddenly becomes painful and swollen
  • Hashimoto’s Disease (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing an autoimmune condition in which the immune system causes damage to the thyroid gland
  • HDL Cholesterol (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing high blood pressure
  • Insomnia (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a sleep disorder that causes chronic trouble with falling or staying asleep
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a chronic condition that impacts the large intestine
  • Kidney Stones (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for solid, pebble-like masses that form in the kidneys
  • LDL Cholesterol (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing high levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol
  • Lupus (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a chronic autoimmune condition that can affect many parts of the body, such as the joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, and heart
  • Migraine (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of experiencing migraine headaches
  • Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a condition where fat builds up in the liver
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a condition where breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep
  • Osteoporosis (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing low bone density, which makes bones more fragile and prone to breaks
  • Panic Attacks (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of experiencing episodes of intense fear that last a few minutes to an hour
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) (available for females only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a hormone disorder that affects females
  • Preeclampsia (available for females only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing persistent high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Prostate Cancer (available for males only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing cancer of the prostate, a male reproductive organ
  • Psoriasis (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing an autoimmune condition that can cause itchy, discolored patches to form on the skin
  • Restless Legs Syndrome (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a condition characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move one's legs
  • Rosacea (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a chronic skin condition that often causes redness or visible blood vessels in the face
  • Severe Acne (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a skin condition characterized by many deep and painful types of pimples along with many whiteheads and blackheads
  • Skin Cancer (Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing the two most common types of skin cancer
  • Skin Cancer (Melanoma) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing a common type of skin cancer
  • Triglycerides (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood of developing high levels of triglycerides (a type of lipid)
  • Uterine Fibroids (available for females only) (Powered by 23andMe Research)
    Genetic likelihood for a common type of non-cancerous growth in the uterus

Wellness Reports

  • Cat Allergy
  • Dog Allergy
  • Emotional Eating
  • Nearsightedness
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Homocysteine (MTHFR-Related)

Exome Sequencing Reports

6 reports (covering 55+ conditions ordered by a clinician)
  • Hereditary Cancer Report
    Coverage includes the following conditions:
    • APC-associated polyposis (Gene: APC)
    • ATM-associated cancers (Gene: ATM)
    • Juvenile polyposis syndrome (Gene: BMPR1A, SMAD4)
    • Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (Gene: BRCA1, BRCA2)
    • CHEK2-associated cancers (Gene: CHEK2)
    • Hereditary prostate cancer (Gene: HOXB13)
    • Hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndrome (Gene: MAX, SDHAF2, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, TMEM127)
    • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (Gene: MEN1)
    • Lynch syndrome (Gene: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2)
    • MUTYH-associated polyposis (Gene: MUTYH)
    • NF2-related schwannomatosis (Gene: NF2)
    • Hereditary breast cancer (Gene: PALB2)
    • Polymerase proofreading-associated polyposis (Gene: POLD1, POLE)
    • PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (Gene: PTEN)
    • Retinoblastoma (Gene: RB1)
    • Familial medullary thyroid cancer (Gene: RET)
    • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a (Gene: RET)
    • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b (Gene: RET)
    • Juvenile polyposis/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome (Gene: SMAD4)
    • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (Gene: STK11)
    • Li-Fraumeni syndrome (Gene: TP53)
    • Tuberous sclerosis complex (Gene: TSC1, TSC2)
    • Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (Gene: VHL)
    • Wilms tumor (Gene: WT1)
  • Hereditary Cardiovascular Disease Report
    Coverage includes the following conditions:
    • Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (Gene: ACTA2, MYH11)
    • Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Gene: ACTC1, MYBPC3, MYH7, MYL2, MYL3, PRKAG2, TNNI3, TNNT2, TPM1)
    • Familial hypercholesterolemia (Gene: APOB, LDLR, LDLRAP1, PCSK9)
    • Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (Gene: APOE)
    • Dilated cardiomyopathy (Gene: BAG3, DES, FLNC, LMNA, MYH7, RBM20, SCN5A, TNNC1, TNNT2, TTN)
    • Myofibrillar myopathy (Gene: BAG3, DES, FLNC)
    • Long QT syndrome (Gene: CALM1, CALM2, CALM3, KCNH2, KCNQ1, SCN5A, TRDN)
    • Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (Gene: CALM1, CALM2, CALM3, CASQ2, RYR2, TRDN)
    • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, vascular type (Gene: COL3A1)
    • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (Gene: DSC2, DSG2, DSP, PKP2, TMEM43)
    • Dilated cardiomyopathy with wooly hair, palmoplantar keratoderma, and tooth agenesis (Gene: DSP)
    • Marfan syndrome (Gene: FBN1)
    • Brugada syndrome (Gene: SCN5A)
    • Loeys-Dietz syndrome (Gene: SMAD3, TGFB2, TGFB3, TGFBR1, TGFBR2)
  • Hereditary Metabolic Disease Report
    Coverage includes the following conditions:
    • Biotinidase deficiency (Gene: BTD)
    • G6PD deficiency (Gene: G6PD)
    • Pompe disease (Gene: GAA)
    • Fabry disease (Gene: GLA)
    • Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (Gene: HNF1A)
    • Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency (Gene: OTC)
  • Hereditary Kidney Disease Report
    Coverage includes the following conditions:
    • APOL1-related chronic kidney disease (Gene: APOL1)
    • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Gene: PKD1, PKD2)
  • Hereditary Neurological Disease Report
    Coverage includes the following conditions:
    • Alzheimer's disease (Gene: APOE)
    • Parkinson's disease (Gene: GBA, LRRK2)
  • Other Hereditary Conditions
    • Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Gene: ACVRL1, ENG)
    • Wilson's disease (Gene: ATP7B)
    • Malignant hyperthermia (Gene: CACNA1S, RYR1)
    • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type (Gene: COL5A1, COL5A2)
    • Hereditary thrombophilia (Gene: F2, F5)
    • Hereditary hemochromatosis (Gene: HFE)
    • Leber congenital amaurosis (Gene: RPE65)
    • Retinitis pigmentosa (Gene: RPE65)
    • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Gene: SERPINA1)
    • Hereditary transthyretin-related amyloidosis (Gene: TTR)

Blood Test Panels

55+ Biomarkers (initiated by a clinician)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    • Blood Glucose
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
    • Creatinine
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine ratio (BUN/Cr)
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Chloride
    • Bicarbonate (Carbon dioxide)
    • Calcium
    • Total Protein
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • Albumin/Globulin
    • Bilirubin
    • Alkaline phosphatase
    • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
    • Estimate Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) Panel
    • White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
    • Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)
    • Hemoglobin
    • Hematocrit
    • Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
    • Erythrocyte mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
    • Erythrocyte mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
    • Red Blood Cell distribution width (RDW)
    • Platelet Count
    • Neutrophil %
    • Neutrophil Count
    • Band Neutrophil %
    • Band Neutrophil Count
    • Metamyelocyte %
    • Metamyelocyte Count
    • Myelocyte %
    • Myelocyte Count
    • Promyelocyte %
    • Promyelocyte Count
    • Lymphocyte %
    • Lymphocyte Count
    • Variant Lymphocyte %
    • Monocyte %
    • Monocyte Count
    • Eosinophil %
    • Eosinophil Count
    • Basophil %
    • Basophil Count
    • Blast %
    • Blast Count
    • Nucleated Red Blood Cell %
    • Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count
    • Mean platelet volume (MPV)
  • Advanced Lipid Panel
    • Triglycerides
    • Total Cholesterol
    • HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)
    • LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein)
    • Total Cholesterol / HDL Mass Ratio
    • Non-HDL Cholesterol
    • Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) (one time only)
    • Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) (one time only)
  • Endocrine Blood Tests
    • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (one time only)
    • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)